Membrane Trafficking in Health and Disease: Focus on Neurological Diseases
14-18 October 2024

In the last thirty years, tremendous progress has been made in the elucidation of the molecular and cellular mechanisms regulating membrane trafficking and turnover in mammalian cells, e.g., exocytosis, endocytosis and the lysosomal clearance of proteins and lipids through autophagy. The field is now able to explore how defects of membrane trafficking can lead to diseases, particularly neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders. The school will overview the last decades of seminal advances in the field: the lessons learned about regulated and unconventional exocytosis, the role of lysosomes in degradation and secretion, the dynamics, metabolism and signalling of lipids, and the role of the immune system in regulating the synapse and neuronal function.
A beautiful location
Lake Como School of Advanced studies is located c/o Fondazione Alessandro Volta in the beautiful setting of Villa del Grumello, in Como, Italy

Venue & Accommodation
The Lake Como School of Advanced Studies is an international research facility. We run fellowships, short term programmes on a wide range of interdisciplinary subjects, that share a common focus on complex systems.